February 22, 2019

Successfully using ancient ✡ Jewish Magic ✹231 Gates✹ to bring Life to a Doll ?!!! Well, just an Animated Virtual Character

My creator ~ pinkwork™ extraterrestrial 外星生命體 is experimenting with using ancient Jewish Magic 古猶太魔法 ~ 231 Gates of creation 創造之門 in its spaceship to create a Living Doll ... YEAH, there're rumors saying human GOD was using the same technique to create Adam & Eve ... OH, really? Kidding, it's just my creator 's newly created Virtual Character. Well, but my creator had really shot a video (check below) talking about details of the ancient Jewish 231 Gates magic.

Should I wear Clothes 要不要著衫?

Actually, my creator has made a video
explaining the mysterious "231 Gates" magic.

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