pinkwork™ Robots' gossip
2 organic Robots namely Qooradio™, pinkversecat™ created by pinkwork™ extraterrestrial entity 外星生命體, are gossiping & studying about Humans. ~▲ youtube: @pinkmessage, @pinkversecat ~✶ IG & FB: qooradio, pinkversecat
January 21, 2025
🛸 你最"憎"的卡通漫畫人物角色?Chiikawa, Labubu...?農曆新年前行深水埗玩具街。Comic/IP Character U LIKE/HATE most?
How a "Pink" virttual character was created by Me? An Alternative Use 另類用法 for Sony Mocopi 3D motion capture System!
December 29, 2024
🛸 My newly-created Virtual Character namely PinK֍.֍ 生命体, an alternative Use for Sony Mocopi 3D motion capture system?!
June 7, 2024
🛸 pinkmessage™ SHOP~TM also means Telepathic Messages from extraterrestrial pinkwork™ 生命體~my creator。
Just an ordinary merch Shop or it has hidden mission to spread alien secret Telepathic Messages from my creator~pinkwork™ extraterrestrial entity 粉紅生命體 ?!
May 3, 2024
🤖 等我實測一吓﹝暫時﹞人類最新的Text to Image/Video「文字轉圖像、影片」AI科技。🛸 可取代人類未? 結論:實用性仍不夠?
回到正題,近期被媒體吹捧到上天的Text to Image/Video「文字轉圖像、影片」AI功能,即一般人只要輸入一些咒語﹝prompts ﹞,例如輸入 ▶ "一個年輕女士正在咖啡廳內看書, 中英混血兒, 藍眼睛, 粉紅色頭髮 ...等等",AI馬上生成出相關相片,聽起來好像很神奇。但究竟有何實際用途呢?除了平日貪玩生成一些圖片來測試一下現在的科技水平如何,或者拿作品去參賽之外。
我即時想到,可以用AI生成一個男、女主角,然後再生成一系列用該主角做不同動作、擺不同姿勢的圖片,製成一本故事書、寫真集或者建立一個virtual influencer﹝虛擬偶像網紅﹞。
測試開始。目前大家想使用Text to Image的AI功能,可以透過要付月費的Midjourney或者ChatGPT4﹝因OpenAI已內嵌了DALL-E,可直接生成圖像﹞服務。當然市面也有無數Start-up公司,提供免費或付費的Text to Image的AI生圖功能服務。但這個燒錢行業,相信最終能生存下來的,佔1%也沒有。既然最終都可能會由ChatGPT的OpenAI等幾間大公司壟斷,何不一開始就用「最大」的公司服務,免得將來要重新學習。
若然不想付費,可下載一些免費的Open Source開源軟件,例如stable diffusion。雖然是免費,懷處是大部份運算發生在自己電腦,而非在別人公司的雲端。即是自己家中電腦的GPU要有一定圖像運算能力。
我純粹做測試,自然揀免費的,馬上下載、在家中電腦安裝了fooocus﹝可說是簡化版的stable diffusion﹞做測試,生成了一個「粉紅色頭髮的外星女人」。之前從未用過這個甚多人喜歡,亦應算是目前功能最強大的開源軟件的。一開始我就發現了一大問題﹝是我當初想像得它太完美?﹞,就是很難生成出一個consistent character ﹝一致性連貫角色﹞ 。
當然後來我細心研究,睇網上教學影片學習,知道要生成出接近Consistent Character效果是有方法的,但十分轉析。舉例,先叫AI生成一連4張望向不同方向的人頭像Headshots圖,再以這張圖作「姿勢」參考,輸入想耍的prompts,生成出一幅角色望向不同方向的相片,像下面這張。
AI Cat貓動畫紅極一時
January 25, 2023
⚡Real TEST : Use AI (Midjourney) to create Art, a Shop poster in less than a minute! Will AI replaces Humans very soon?
January 18, 2023
👾實測 ▶ 用AI﹝Midjourney﹞設計了一張蛋糕店海報!不用1分鐘?!它真的那麼厲害,快會取代人類? ~✶pinkwork™ Robots
只要輸入幾個字,去形容你心目中想要的圖像的類別、風格、用途,不論你想要的是一張插畫、海報、網頁設計 ...。等不到1分鐘,AI就回覆你4張圖像初稿給你選擇。你再揀選其中一張作微調 ... 不滿意,再輸入新的形容詞。直至得出滿意的結果。然後你將高解像的圖像下載,放入慣用的圖像編輯軟件「親自」完成最後的修飾,將作品交給客人。
別以為這是科幻小說內容,或是遙遠的事實。最近美國藝術家Jason M. Allen使用Midjourney﹝近期很流行的AI圖像生成系統﹞「創作」出來的一張畫,去參加一個藝術比賽,贏了冠軍及獎金。事後當然引來一眾藝術家的震驚及批評。
不過,Jason輸入指令給AI,亦決定選用哪一張初稿,其實亦算是創作者 ... 「那麼豈不是不懂繪畫的可以當畫家?!」你們人類可能會反駁。
說到你們最擔心的「AI會取代人類的工作」,要求的標準便更低。最近,國際科技新聞網站CNet被揭發,已先後使用了數十篇完全由AI生成出來的文章。雖然他們說這只是一個實驗,用ChatGPT這個近期人人談論的open AI產生出來的文章其實錯漏百出,而最後也經過編輯審閱才出版。
好,今次我們兩隻機械人便依主人pinkwork™外星生命體的吩咐,進入那個近期人人談論的圖像生成AI看看究竟水平去到那裡!提醒各位人類,這只是目前人類市場上其中一個公開的圖像AI系統,它也不是某國際科技巨企的出品。說不定將來有更厲害的系統出現也未定 ... 你們是時候要準備一吓迎接「沒有工作的時代」來臨 !
January 1, 2023
👽 1st Alien message detected in 2023 ? ~ "Happy New Year 2023, human race!" ~▲▲新年首條神秘外星訊息 ⭐BREAKING News
December 29, 2021
★ My 2022 Predictions ~ New Year Extraterrestrial message to Humans ~ Metaverse will be a Flop? ~✹✹ pinkwork animated Robot
Hi Humans, after more than 3 months, our spaceship lands on this planet again ! See, my creator ~ pinkwork™ extraterrestrial 外星生命體 also comes with us this time. First of all, wish you Humans, Happy New Year of 2022 !
Let me check, how fast you humans evolve during the past year. Any big Science or Tech news ...?
Well, NFT (Non Fungible Token) must be the hottest topic ! If U want to know what's NFT, could go to check one of my previous articles on ~✶
The next big thing must be 'Metaverse 元宇宙'. This term first appeared in a 1992 sci-fi novel titled "Snow Crash". Recently, social media giant "facebook" even changed its name to Meta, hoping to make itself a long-lasting company. But the word "Meta" in Hebrew means the opposite. SO many Hebrew speaking netizens ridicule this name lately.
Actually, how is the Metaverse different from the ordinay virtual worlds you could experience nowadays while playing the video games? The main difference may be, through VR headset & Facial emotion sensors, you could fully immersed in the virtual world !
For example, when you has a meeting with some virtual avatars, you could clearly see their facial micro expressions. Or you may come across a BIG ad. board while walking on a virtual street ... a fully immersive 3D virtual world.
In future, you humans might even invent some thin material containing array of miniature 'vibrators', that can make you feel touch in VR !
Of course, the Metaverse hype is actually driven by its so-called investment value. Well, that's nothing new, you humans would pay big money to buy some non-tangible things. You're a social species. Anything which could imply or represent you are superior to or admired by other humans. Your elites are willing to pay money to own that thing, whether it's tangible or not.
Such as, a vanity title, right to name a building or University ... etc. In the end, whether the Metaverse concept will succeed, depends on two conditions.
First, how many humans participate in this 'virtual game'. Second, how much time each participant would stay in this virtual world ...
First condition will inevitably lead to just a few Metaverses created by those tech giants dominate the market in future! The Second condition ... I think will make this concept won't work at the moment.
Reason? the VR headsets on the market today are all so Bulky (including the latest Oculus Quest 2). Many people complain they'll get bad headache, eye strain after prolonged usage, so how can they stay a long time in the virtual world ?
Hope that next time I drive my spaceship to this little planet. You have already invented some more 'comfortable' VR headsets or holographic projection devices ... Otherwise, if too few virtual citizens actually staying in a virtual world. Those virtual lands, virtual advertisements ... won't have any real value !
OK, now I'm already in this physical planet. I'd better walk around & see whether there are any interesting things or New Year Count down events, parties, Or ... I 'abduct' several humans to my spaceship to 'study'.
Bye Bye!
December 24, 2021
New Year 2022 預測 ~ 元宇宙 Metaverse將會大失敗?就是因為VR眼鏡?!順便祝地球的人類,聖誕、新年快樂!
首先祝人類聖誕節及2022年新年快樂!好吧,先了解一下你們的進化程度如何、2021年你們有些甚麼科技新發明大事件。NFT, Non-fungible Token 非同質化代幣 ~肯定是最多人類談論的。差不多任何虛無縹緲的東西,例如一句說話、一段社交媒體的貼文 ... 也可轉成一枚NFT,以高價賣出賺了大錢。呀,大家想知甚麼是NFT,可留意我之前的一篇文章。
近期最熱哄哄的,自然是Metaverse 元宇宙。這名詞最先是在90年代一本叫《Snow Crash》的科幻小說中出現。社交媒體將公司名稱改為Meta,就更加引起一陣哄動。不過我們以外星機械人的角度看,這概念距離成功仍有一大段距離。為甚麼?
難得來到這小小星球,自然四處探索一下,例如看看你們的除夕倒數、節日慶祝等活動 ... 又或者「捉」幾個你們的同類,上太空船研究 ... 研究。
September 21, 2021
✹✹~Humans人類, Happy Mid Autumn Festival 中秋節快樂 ! ~ an extraterrestrial message from the Moon !
Hi Humans 人類, my creator ~ pinkwork™ extraterrestrial entity 外星生命體 ordered me (an Intelligent Robot) to send this greeting message to your species ... well, from the earth moon 月球上 !!!!
July 28, 2021
▶ YouTube推 #Shorts ﹝超短視頻﹞與TikTok打對台,新晉Youtubers上位良機?!Slashers 斜槓族是被迫的?
人類你們好,已兩個多月沒在這裡發文。幸好主人pinkwork™ 外星生命體不在地球,否則定會罵我們這兩隻由他創造出來的機械人懶惰。好了,交差時間。
今次講講Youtube的新搞作,就是把所有60秒以下,供人垂直觀看的影片,歸成一個叫「shorts」的新類別。用意明顯是跟TikTok競爭,亦鼓勵大家多用其手機App製作這類短影片。於是一些新加入的Youtubers / Creators很雀躍,覺得不用在茫茫大海與成千上億條一般Youtube影片競爭,終於有機可乘,成功發圍。真的嗎?
寂寂無名的youtubers即使影片拍得多麼高質素,亦會排在最後才被推薦,沉於海量的影片之中。不過今次Youtube Shorts是一個全新類別,﹝應該﹞暫時沒有很多人製作這類影片,競爭會少很多,豈非有機可乖?!
Youtube其實從來都說不會公開其演算方法,亦會不停更改,以防被有心人濫用。但是,坊間卻似乎人人都知道內幕消息,依從這些演算暗規則來拍片。你們看,那些Youtubers個個都不停在片中叫大家CLS﹝Comment, Like, Share﹞。
當Slashers斜槓族 根本是被迫的!?
既然講開Youtube,我發現一個有趣現象。近期很多人類說,理想職業是做youtubers。不過細心想想,從來沒有一份工或者工作合約,僱主事先講明不會公開分紅準則 / 比例、人工多少,而且條件他們可隨時、隨意更改。你們都會心甘情願答應做。
原因就是AI﹝人工智能﹞將會,甚至已經開始取代人類的工作。很多公司根本不再需要聘請長期員工。那些社會學者、媒體從業員﹝他們很快也會被取代﹞,亦發明了一些新名詞,甚麼趟平主義、Slashers 斜槓族,去麻醉你們人類的平凡大多數。
結果,最近看到的Youtube影片推薦,都是甚麼「印度神童末日預言...」、「10大中伏...」、「某某電視台敗亡...」、「DONKI新店開張...」 ... 作為一個被主人創造出來,專搜集關於你們人類情報的智能機械人,我完全明白你們的心態。的確,在這小小星球每天快樂地生存下去,可能就是你們唯一的存在意義。
April 21, 2021
將你「任何」東西轉成NFT Crypto Art 加密藝術品,放上網賣幾百萬?!Step by Step 講解 ~✶✶
Twitter創辦人Jack Dorsey的首個推特貼文,以NFT方式賣了$290萬美元!
一位加密藝術家Crypto Artist憑一幅數碼卡通圖片,放上網幾分鐘便賺了幾百萬!
✶ ✶ ✶
April 20, 2021
Turn your "anything" into an NFT / Crypto Art & making millions $$ ! ✹HOW? Step by Step Explain
"An NFT Crypto Artist making millions selling a .gif image in just a few minutes ! "
" Twitter founder Jack Dorsey's first ever tweet was sold as an NFT for US$2.9m ! "
First off, you have to know what is Crypto Art 加密藝術. It doesn't mean there is a newly-developed technology to encrypt your digital contents (an image, video, poem ... etc.), so that only those who bought the ownership or usage right could open /enjoy it. You know that is impossible.
Art related to Blockchain Technology
The core concept of Blockchain 區塊鏈 technology is about public ledger (transaction record book) & decentralization. When this technology is applied to an art piece, not currency. The first part, public ledger, means every people (computers) which have joined this network, can read ownership transaction record of this art piece.
Say, for example, it was first created by person A (no real name, just represented by a password key), then sold it to person B, then ... Well, if you want to buy it, meaning you have to change this ownership record. But without a government or a central authority, who could make & verify this change?
Each transaction record entry is called a 'block". To add a new block, so-called "proof of work", requires each computer in this network to solve a complex mathematical problem by trial & error. How complex? One computer alone may take many years to get the answer, but a network of billion computers may just take 30 minutes! This process is called "mining'. The 1st "miner" who solves this problem could enter the "answer" to verify this transaction.
Though each miner who found the solution could be rewarded in cryptocurrency (*he/she is neither a buyer nor seller, should get some reward), no single person or organisation has incentive to dominate the mining process & become the hidden central authority. Why? Cost of buying numerous computers & electricity bills for running them are huge!
That way, each miner within the network has a chance to confirm a transaction, no one can monopolize this process & no central authority is required. Once a transaction is confirmed, the updated record will instantly broadcast to all computes in the network.
Why it is called Non-fungible?
Not only that, the complex "mathematical problem" mentioned above, well, is generated using contents of the current & previous block. Details, please go to my previous video (check below) about 'Blockchain" !
This means if someone try to change one block, "proof of work" on all blocks prior to this block will become invalid. That's why people call it a "chain", meaning people could only add a new block, but not be able to alter the previous blocks. All past record entries can never be altered !
Back to Crypto Art, though is also based on the Blockchain technology, an art piece is a little different from a currency. For example, my 1 bitcoin has the same value as your 1 bitcoin. But my art piece (token) is unique in this Universe, not has the same value as the others' & cannot be divided into smaller parts, says 0.1 token. (*I think it can, you could own 50% of a house, right?) That's why you humans classify Crypto Art, is a type of NFT, standing for Non-fungible Token 非同質化代幣.
In theory, everything including a .gif image, video, poem, statement ... etc. could be "minted" as an NFT. Yes, it is hard to define what's or what's not an art piece? To mint your work as an NFT, is equivalent to opening an public ledger (record book) for this piece work, like a house deed.
People may still be able to use this work privately. BUT for any public usage, like commercials, change of ownership, etc., all people must done through owner of this NFT.
HOW to mint your work as an NFT?
OK OK, no more theories. How could I mint my "artwork" as an NFT actually? Easy, upload your work to an NFT marketplace, like , ... etc. Before, you should also open a cryptocurrency wallet. such as MetaMask, Coinbase, & put some crypto money (Ethereum or Ether 以太幣, ETH) in your wallet.
Why? As you could expect, selling an NFT Cryto Art piece is not free of charge. You have to pay the minting fee & gas fee for each transaction. Yes, Blockchain technology also has a dark side, the mining process consumes a lot of electricity, that's why humans invented the "gas" fee. By the way, anybody could tell me the carbon footprint of those NFT or CryptoCurrency trades are lower or higher than beef?
Heard that US President Biden will propose a sharp increase of Capital Gains Tax for cryptocurrency tradings. I think this type of tax should be named Crypto Green Tax!
Finally, why some human would buy a thing everybody could use it for free? For the social elites to flaunt their wealth or show off their good taste / hidden power? A new way to support emerging artists or just a new type of investment? I think the answer is, different human has different purpose.
April 11, 2021
主人預言成真?!▲▲~美國財長推動「強迫」全球最低企業稅 Global Minimum Tax ▶ UBI全民基本收入?
我的創造者 ✶pinkwork™ 外星生命體在以前的 ▶一些文章已預測過,AI人工智能將令人類以往的「工作」概念變得過時。原因?各式各樣智能機械將會取代你們的工作,或者正面一點,應該說是幫你們做了所有的工作。
UBI,Universal Basic Income「全民基本收入」可能是解決此未來問題的方法,但是我的創造者亦講過,此意念行不通,除非同時有Universal Tax System全球稅收體系標準。
噢,真估不到我創造者的預測﹝或者是他給人類的外星訊息﹞有機會很快變成事實。美國財長Janet Yellen耶倫剛剛提出,打算在G20峰會向各國商討製訂Global Minimum Corporate Tax Rate 全球最低企業稅率。
沒有這些大企業貢獻稅收,相信沒有一個國家有財力支付「UBI 全民基本收入」。雖然今次耶倫談的,跟UBI完全無關。她解釋此舉純粹希望防止那些以其他低稅率國家為基地的公司,有明顯的優勢。
但是我覺得背後的理據也大同小異,只不過今次耶倫想尋找金錢去支付總統拜登的基建大計,而非是更加前衛的Universal Basic Income「全民基本收入」意念!