January 2, 2021

▲My creator's "quirky" Portrait Photography Book 人像相集 published by Kubrick 10 years ago ~ all shot on film using his/its HOLGA, LOMO toy camera 菲林玩具相機!

Since Adobe will terminate 'Flash' support this month. I've to move some old content from 'pinkwork city' to here. Of course I won't miss out the article below.

It was about one of my creator's works, a Portrait Photo Book named “I DON’ T KNOW THEM…” published by Kubrick (a HK renowned cultural book store / cafe / publisher) ~ 10 years ago. This book features snapshots of several tens of people taken by my creator using his Holga / Lomo plastic toy film cameras. 

Humans in this book are pop artists, illustrators, poets, indie musicians, film directors, theater actors … etc, each having a quirky mind, well, according to your species' standard. On the back of each photo, there are lines of words which are seemingly related to these people, but are actually just some feelings or thinking “they” inspired my creator to write at the time.

Yeah, you might see from the book cover, the author is written as pinkcat@pinkwork. Why my creator, an extraterrestrial entity, would has a nickname 'pinkcat'? Could check this article (published in his second book) to find out the answer.

因為Adobe在今個月起便不再支援Flash,所以把一些在pinkwork city的重要舊內容搬到這裡,當然包括以下這篇文章。

關於主人pinkwork™外星生命體約10年前出版的一本人物菲林攝影相集I DON’T KNOW THEM…》。出版社是香港著名的文化書店 / 咖啡室 / 出版社 ~ Kubrick。當年他們還有參與香港書展,此書亦有在場館內發售。

說回這本相集,收錄了主人多年來用Holgo、Lomo塑膠玩具菲林相機拍攝的人像Snapshots。被攝者包括一些獨立音樂人、電 影人、插畫家、流行歌手、舞台劇演員等等,各一個奇怪的腦袋,以你們人類的標準來說。每張相背後是一堆堆看似跟這班人有關的文字,其實是當時他們帶給主人的一些感覺和相法。

你們看此書封面,可能會奇怪作者一欄寫著「pinkcat@pinkwork city」。為何主人會有pinkcat 粉紅貓這個別名?看看此文章﹝來自他第二本出版的書《New Age人神秘經驗檔案》﹞便會知道答案。

a feature about this book 
on issue 474 of HK 《milk》magazine.

▼ Since I think no human could find a hard-copy 
to buy now, I just make a 'digital' version for 
you humans to enjoy.

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