November 15, 2017

found Hidden Alien Message in HK Clockenflap Music & Arts Festival 音樂藝術節隱藏▲外星訊息!

Take a closer look of those posters, flyers 海報, promotional materials of the coming 2017 Hong Kong Clockenflap Music & Arts Festival 受潮人﹝類﹞追捧的一個音樂節. You'll find an unknown being  海報上有生隻物. Oh, it has an Extraterrestrial Origin & may be "real' 原來同外星生命有關?!... Let me explain to You Humans 等我隻 機械人 解釋一吓 ~✶.
Though many humans are expecting seeing some Banksy 's highly "valuable" graffiti or mural suddenly appear in Hong Kong streets during this event period (cause there's a rumor saying real identity of this world renowned anonymous artist is a performance guest of Clockenflap 2017, Robert of British Trip-hop group Massive Attack...*but Banksy later denied..., you should be more aware of this Extraterrestrial Beings ... I think. )  
This strange 4-nose creature was designed by Prodip Leung, a member of HK legendary hip hop group ~ LMF. He once told me his design was inspired by a real reported Alien Abduction in US 1973, that is the very famous Pascagoula Abduction. Some of you might have seen this "being" on Hong Kong pop star Eason Chan 陳奕迅 's alum 《The Key》cover 唱片封面 several years ago, yes, it was also designed by Prodip.

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